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Choosing A Word of Intention For the New Year

What do you want your new year to look like? Several years ago, I began taking a word for my year. As I took the word, I would write it on a rock. I did this because I could place the rock somewhere prominent and it would remind me on a daily basis of my commitment and intention as I saw it.

I keep my rock on my vanity and it’s the first thing I see every morning and the last thing I see before I get in bed. I also see it as I go about my day. The first year, my word was Abundance. This was the year I learned that I was worthy. I was worthy of abundance in every area of my life, from financial to health to love to knowledge. I do not believe I would have been near as open to receiving had I not viewed that rock several times a day, reminding myself of my heartfelt intention!

The next year, my word was Trust. Whew! A tough word for me but one that has touched every single area of my life. I am a control freak and it has been very hard to let go. So hard that I kept this word two years in a row as I had quite a bit of work to do. I still haven’t mastered the word Trust but I am way, way closer!

The following year, my word was Nurture. This was a broad word because I planned to use it in every aspect of my life. When a bill came in, I paid it immediately in order to nurture the relationship between myself, money and maintenance. When I felt the need to speak with one of my adult children, I used that opportunity to nurture them. There was an intent there that perhaps was not there beforehand. When I spoke to myself, I tried to remember to be kinder and nurture myself. Finally, I began an exercise program that not only have I continued but it has made me far stronger than I have been in years.

After that, my word for the year was Pause. Pausing was very hard for me. I jumped into things, maybe too fast. I was too busy. In 2019, if my answer wasn’t a “Hell, yes!” then it was a “No”! I paused as I was asked to make commitments and really listened to my heart. Mid-year, Spirit gave me a word to add along with Pause. It was Allow. Seems I have a hard time allowing things to flow and play out.

I have learned to Pause. I have learned to take time for myself and only commit to things that bring me joy; however, I still struggle with Allow. As I was pondering what word I might take next, Spirit suggested Grace. When something bad happens, allow Grace to fill it. When something good happens, allow Grace to fill it. I was told, if I could learn to do that, Allow would no longer be a problem. Sure enough, as I learned to explore the word Grace I also found peace (even though I still struggle and have to remind myself to Allow).

This year, I chose the word Softly. Softly encapsulates how I want to handle my life, gently and with Grace. Softly encapsulates how I would like my relationships to proceed, with love and Grace to guide them. Softly will ensure that I do not try to manipulate a situation but, instead, I will Gracefully Allow it to unfold naturally (every pun intended).

Maybe choosing a word for the year would be helpful for you. I want you now to think of one word that will enable you to change the most in your life this year. This is not a quick thing for most people. Ponder this. It took me a while to come up with my words. Choose a word that is gentle but loving. This is not a time to be negative, choose a word that speaks to your heart. Think of a word that will help you to live outside your box and step forward. As you think of this word, I would urge you to write it somewhere, perhaps on something like a rock or even on your mirror. Anything that will constantly remind you.

My first rock was a little white rock with a pencil word and it did the trick. Since then, I've decided my rocks needed to be stronger and sturdier. I keep these rocks and build my character upon them so I decided to honor the rock and make it more pleasing to myself BUT do what speaks to you. I still keep my original rock to remind me of how far I've come. It will always hold a special place in my heart. Do what will help you to remember the intention. The most important thing is to begin! And so it is!

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