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Are You Hiding In a Spiritual Closet?

What if you are from a conservative home that does not allow thinking outside the box? What if your significant other will not accept your spirituality? What if you go to a church that will not accept your new beliefs? I hear these questions quite a bit in my practice.

I do not have the perfect answer for you but I have some suggestions that may help.

  • In your conversations with others, start bringing up angels and other "safe" topics. See if the conversation dies or continues. Those who continue the conversation (in a nonjudgmental way and do not attempt to force you to their belief) deserve your attention. Develop those relationships on a deeper level.

  • Start being more open to new friendships. Is there someone you have been drawn to but have not had the time to get to know better? Trust your budding curiosity. Make a date with that person and see if maybe there was a reason you were drawn to them. They may become your first spiritual friend!

  • Find a metaphysical store in your area. Most of them have bulletin boards with upcoming events. Attend one. You need to find some spiritual friends in your area.

  • Trust yourself. Know that you feel spiritual for a good reason. This is your time! You are ready to grow and explore! Please do not ignore these nudges from your heart!

  • Find a class to join! I teach and many other reputable people in my field teach.

  • Find a mentor. I mentor on an individual basis and would be happy to help you grow!

  • Join MeetUp. MeetUp helps people with similar interests meet together. Check it out on the web. It is free.

  • Come join my closed FB group, Granbury Area Lightworkers! This is a group for like-minded people where I, along with three other teachers, post on a daily basis. Posts are only seen by members of the group. You are welcome there and do not need to live in our geographical area. We have members as far away as New Zealand!

These are just a few of the ways to begin to encourage yourself in your growth. Once you can find a friend (or more) who are also searching, make regular dates with them. You will need their support and they will need yours as well. A good teacher and mentor will also make a world of difference for you!

Until next time....

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